Digital Artifacts

Friday, October 5, 2007

playing around in world of warcraft

I was mucking around in SL for awhile and it became a bit boring for me...i guess i'm so use to videogames that if im in a virtual world i need to be fighting something or trying to work to complete a mission. I started up an account on World of Warcraft and its going pretty well. You can do a free 10-day trial which is available on the website.
give it a try if you are more into video games and less into sims and SL.

an update on my video: it's coming along slowly, the process of recording via fraps is not that easy. I do not know if its my computer or what but it says to push f6 to record...sometimes it does and sometimes it does not. So, im still working out the bugs....if anyone is good at this please give me some tips!!!



Blogger Colin and/or Michele said...

Will, i you play a bunch of role-play video games on a PC--like Halo, Unreal Tournament, Neverwinter Nights, Grand Theft Auto etc. etc.--any of these can be used to create a machinima. You just use Fraps to record theaction.

October 5, 2007 at 9:30 PM  
Blogger Colin and/or Michele said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention that you could try reassigning the hotkey for recording in Fraps (e.g., your computer might have F6 already assigned to some other function. F9 is often a useful hotkey to try).

October 5, 2007 at 9:32 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Will, How did you get the guest account started? it keeps asking me for an account code?

October 8, 2007 at 3:14 PM  
Blogger Will Kochis said...

Rebecca...the thing about warcraft is that it cost money to play but they have a 10 day free trial. On the website under quick links you can find the 10 day free trial link. Downloading is a pain because the game is 3.5gb...i recommend downloading it before you go to bed then by the next day it should be done.

October 9, 2007 at 1:05 AM  

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