Digital Artifacts

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Avatars on Law and Order

Last night's episode of Law and Order SVU was about a man kidnapping a girl he met in a game similar to Second Life, he was obsessed with her Avatar. Now that I know more about Avatars, SL and other things it seems like it is popping up everywhere.


Blogger Rebecca said...

I saw that episode last night! It was totally creepy. I hear what you are saying about seeing it everywhere, now that you know. I was thinking the same thing when watching the show. I think the fact that the "bad guy" used the game to perpetuate his horrid obsession with a real life girl was a really strong way to use the game. For those of you who didn't see it - they actually used evidence from the game to track him down in real life. He was basically simulating a kidnapping crime he committed many years ago in the game until he found another avatar that reminded him of the actual girl he kidnapped. He then went after her in real life. I think this really plays into the fears that are out there about this type of gaming.

Another interesting thing I found within the show is that the tech guy that was helping the police with the game had to turn the sun on at a time which it shouldn't have been on in EST. He was very worried about freaking out the other users by telling the sun to rise in the middle of the night. Interesting to think about users expecting the game to smoothly act like the real world.

October 3, 2007 at 10:19 AM  
Blogger Innes said...

good thing my avatar looks nothing like me in real life :-)

your comment about the sun rise reminds me of the annotated sherlock holmes that came out years ago--somebody went though all of conan doyles holmes stories to figure the how, when and where, as if the stories were fact instead of fiction

October 4, 2007 at 9:26 PM  

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