assessment criteria for the movie and the transmedia companion piece (only)
Here's what we came up with in class--feel free to make additions or suggestions in the comments to build a final checklist for using to assess your movie and companion piece (but not your written texts that accompany all this).
- Two artifacts are submitted: a movie narrative and a companion, transmedia piece
- There is a logical connection between the two transmedia items (i.e., one clearly builds upon or extends the narrative established by the other); at the same time, each is also stand-alone
- The story line in the main movie is clear and is readily interpreted by viewers
- The main movie includes multiple edits, moving images, still images as appropriate, music, transitions as appropriate, title/opening, credits, video effects perhaps
- The final movie includes clever remixing (e.g., pulling disparate concepts or images together, repurposing, generating new meanings using juxtaposition)
- Quality of synching; the match between images and sounds is finely tuned
- The medium suits the purpose (e.g., was the music appropriate? were the images appropriate to the meaning to be conveyed, etc.)
- The "affordances" (resources) used were appropriate (i.e., the choices you made in terms of what you used to convey your narrative, such as no gratuitous uses of animation generated by an application)
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