Digital Artifacts

Saturday, October 13, 2007

NEA-"Educators Got Game"

I have to be honest, I have always heard a lot of negatives about children playing video games or computer games. Actually pretty much all negatives. It was pretty interesting to find that on the cover of the October issue of NEA Today they had an article called "Educators Got Game". It was refreshing to read how educators are using video and computer games in their classroom and how their students are learning from them. Its a quick and easy read if anyone is interested and I felt as though it really applied to this class and why we are learning to use these programs. Enjoy!


Blogger Innes said...

when my kids were younger,we we went through an "oregon Trail" phase. they certainly learned geopgraphy and about the real hazard of the westward movement, but they also learned plan-ahead strategies, like never leave town without buying a fishing pole! obvious learning opportunities there!

now d2 is into what i call "virtual paper dolls." assembling coordinated outfits and accessories. where's the learning opportunity in that?!?!? :-( i can't quite see the appeal--at least when i went through a (real) paper dool phase in my youth, we acted out stories with them once they got "dressed"!

October 14, 2007 at 10:10 AM  
Blogger Will Kochis said...

I remember playing Oregon Trail as an elementary student and it was so fun I did not even realize I was learning geography or about the westward movement. On a somewhat related note- one of my good friends is in medical school and his professors are encouraging them to play video games for hand-eye coordination and says its helps them in preforming surgery (who would have thought?)

October 14, 2007 at 10:37 PM  
Blogger Colin and/or Michele said...

MIT si developing a whole rang of "serious games" along the lines indicated by Will. In fact, the university has constructd a game for orienting new students to the campus and culture of the university!

October 15, 2007 at 8:48 AM  

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