The Movies
Well, I have tried messing around on Second Life and found myself unable to drive and staring at concrete quite a bit every time I tried to land after flying. I will not give up and I will learn to drive if it kills my character. On the other hand, after speaking to Dr. Knobel, I purchased a game called "The Movies" at Besy Buy for $20. Basically you can create your own sets, actors, movies, etc. I played around with the tutorial at this point. I feel like I am so far behind so I'm trying not to freak out! I will let you know more about the program as I learn about it myself. Wish Me Luck!
P.S. Has anyone used this before?
I haven't even considered driving in SL so you're ahead of me in that department. Last week I bought "The Sims" at Best Buy and did the tutorial as well as created a family. I can't say I find the SIMS all that interesting but may still use something from it for my movie. I just looked at "The Movies" now on Amazon after reading your post and wish I had bought that instead. Oh well! Let us know how you make out with this software. If you think it's any good, maybe I will go ahead and buy it too.
I was looking at the website of The Movies the other day and was thinking about downloading the demo. Is this the same as The Movies that you bought at BestBuy? I figure maybe I will try it before I buy it if it is. Let us know how you like it because I am having a tough time deciding which program I am going to use for the project. I have played around with a few but have not found any that I have been crazy about. I also would have no clue how to drive a care in SL. I'm lucky I figured out how to fly and change my clothes. LOL.
Larry, you might want to check out "The Movies" channel on Students from my summer class used The Movies and made this machinima in just a few days:
I just checked and there's some cheap secondhand copies of The Movies available there, if anyone's interested. I do very much recommend The Movies as a useful classroom resource to have, anyway.
All that being said, excellent going on obtaining a copy of The Sims, Larry! So many elementary school students are playing this game!!
Let me know how you like the Sims...I was searching around Youtube and found this video that was done with the Sims...I thought it was great...
Okay,not sure if anyone tracks back into comments or not but here goes.... I do not like the SIMS. I find it a bit boring so I am not movitvated to spend time mucking around with it. So.....I went and spent $20 today at BestBut for The Movies will provide an update of my progress as soon as I finish the comp exam next week.
What a shame that the SIMS just didn't appeal to you, Larry, after shelling out for a copy of it. Then again, not everything appeals to everyone and the thing is to just keep exporing and testing and tying things out. Better luck with the Movies!
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