Digital Artifacts

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Hi Everyone-
Quick question pertaining to all these piracy issues. I started feeling guilty about using the 'free' version of limewire to download music so I downloaded the paid version (about $35 for the year -not bad). This makes it completely legal right? I am no longer doing anything wrong right?


Blogger Nic said...

Hey Lauren,
I was also using Limewire until Dr. Knobel warned me about it. After I read your question I tried to do some research about it while online. Although most of the comments made about it are opinions, many seemed to agree that it is still illegal. What I have read is that although you are paying to download the music, etc. the bands don't see a penny of that money. I also read that it depends on what you do with the song. Another said that to use Limewire is legal but to download from it is illegal...which is a little confusing to me! Finally, I read that you need to hold the copyright for the music for it to be legal and if you don't it's illegal or you need to download uncopyrighted material. As much as I hate to say it, all in all it still seems to be illegal. Now if you pay a monthly fee or for each song from Napster or iTunes that appears to be legal. Looks like I need to get rid of my Limewire and download one of these too! :-(

November 25, 2007 at 8:14 PM  
Blogger Colin and/or Michele said...

Good job, Nicole, in your really thorough account of your own research into copyright issues. You're absolutely right in that owning the p2p software doesn't guarantee that the songs you download are legal downloads. My understanding where music is concerned is that anything found using the search engine, and what bands make available for download via their official websites or Myspace spaces are the best source of free legal downloads.

November 27, 2007 at 5:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I had a feeling that was the case and even discussed it with my students today. I am quite annoyed now that I spent the $35 for nothing. I am still downloading illegal music! I definitely should have researched this first. Thanks for your help Nic and Michelle.

November 27, 2007 at 8:50 PM  

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