NYTIMES Article on Second Life
Hey everyone,
There is an article in the Business section of today's "Times" about Second Life. Here is the link to view it online: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/09/business/yourmoney/09second.html?_r=1&ref=business&oref=slogin
The article focuses on how the SL community has come to mirror the commercial consumerism found in "real" life and how some people have begun to make money in Second Life.
Larry--what a beaut article. I'll be perfectly honest and say I'm personally rather ambivalent about Second Life as a "space" myself. So much energy seems to go into recreating the world as it is (I belong to an educators-in-second-life email discussion list and the discussions are so often about how to make classrooms look like classrooms, how to get powerpoint to display in sceondlife and all the stuff that I find really schoolish). Using SL to make movies, though, makes a good lot of sense to me because it's exactly something that can't be done easily in RL.
Thanks for the article, Larry. It has gotten my mind going with possible ideas for a video and/or lessons using Second Life. The fact that people are "trading our consumerist-oriented culture for one that's even worse" is facinating.
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